PocketMEDIA is optimised for a small, curated and well organised set of documents. It allows you to create a tidy document structure and control who can see that content.

Your content structure is simply the way your "folders" and documents are organised. Here are our recommendations

High Level Approach


Keeping your collection of documents small is a good thing. It means they will get used and updated more often. Some of our customers only have less than 50 documents.

PocketMEDIA prefers a shallow content hierarchy, by only allowing two levels of folder depth. This enables your content can be quickly browsed as a flat list, rather than asking sales reps to go in and out of folders.

Parent and Child Categories

PocketMEDIA supports two levels of hierarchy - parent and child categories. This is like a folder and a subfolder.

This is a relatively flat structure compared to something like DropBox. It's a deliberate decision to keep your content flat and prevent the file area becoming disorganised.

Keep it light and flat

Deep nested folders are hard for people to use. If possible, chose a single parent category and keep you structure as flat as possible.

Most businesses only need one top level category. For example, here is a simple structure for a small manufacturer.

Although not shown in the image, there might be 10 product brochures under Products, and several service brochures under Services, followed by 5 client Case Studies showing the products and services in action.

You might only need one top level category, in this case "All Content".

You might only need one top level category, in this case "All Content".